
habitual and extremely important
complement in the life of a guerrilla
is smoking cigars, for the smoke
that he can expel in moments of
relaxation is a great companion to
the lonely soldier.”
Ernesto Che Guevara
“I drink a great deal. I
sleep little,
and I smoke cigar after cigar.
That is why I am 200 per cent fit.”
Sir Winston Churchill
The history of Cuban tabacco dates
to the sixteenth century, when large
cigars, or Vegueros, ignited interest
amongst merchants.
By the nineteenth century, Cuban
cigars were among the most sought
after in the world. Cohiba, the flagship
of Cuban cigars, was created for
Fidel Castro in 1966, and the “Siglo V”
was created to mark the 500th
Anniversary of Columbus’s epic“Voyage of Discovery” in
1492. In order to keep these superb
cigars in the very best condition we
keep them in a special humidor.
We have a wide range of
cigars available at Cubana.
Here View Our Cigar Menu
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